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How to become a Python Programmer in 2024?

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How to become a Python Programmer in 2024?

All of us utilize multiple applications throughout the day, ranging from using social media to connect with friends to booking a ride to various destinations and everything in between. A modern individual cannot imagine a life without these applications. 

The software that the entire world is utilizing operates with the assistance of programming languages like Python. It is important to have a basic understanding of the programming language before going further.

The high-level object-oriented programming language among programmers and companies is named Python and it is the most popular language. There is employment of it in every sector, including machine learning and web development. 

As there is no specific prior experience needed to become a Python programmer, there are infinite ways to enter the field. However, everything with a specific set of skills, getting mastered in particular the Python programming language. Opting for the Python Training Institute in Faridabad as the starting point for a career in this field can be the optimal choice. 

Python programming language possesses multiple characteristics that provide it with an advantage over other programming languages discovered by many programmers. Now, let’s have a knowledge of what  Python is exactly.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level object-oriented coding language that is utilized to create diverse desktop and mobile applications, websites, and software interfaces. It is an uncomplicated and exceptional coding language.

This language might not be the most popular in this technological world, but it certainly is the primary preference for newcomers and novices. Additionally, Python is on the path to establishing itself at the forefront. Python has the capability of reaching the topmost position, which is significant, as for two decades only Java and C have maintained that position.

Python is selected by numerous coders because it is an uncomplicated, adaptable, unified language and is in high demand.

Who is a Python Programmer?

A Python Programmer is an individual interested in computer science who utilizes Python programming abilities to construct codes and create applications. They construct back-end elements and offer assistance to front-end developers.

Python coders specialize in a computer programming language known as Python. They utilize their Python abilities to create, troubleshoot, and execute application projects. Becoming a Python coder is suitable for everyone. It is a role that requires skills, and individuals with the appropriate educational qualifications and knowledge of the Python programming language can choose this path.

Python programmers work on various tasks, including web development, automation, designing web frameworks for new codes, data analysis, web scraping, and more. They utilize their programming and coding abilities to combine software components and improve features, data privacy, and security.

Additional Read: Top 10 Python Programming Books

Role of Python Programmers

The task of Python programmers is to link applications with external web services and offer assistance to front-end developers. They are accountable for coding, designing, troubleshooting, and deploying development projects.

Python developers work closely with data collection and analysis to provide valuable insights. The responsibilities of Python developers include coordinating, scripting, developing, designing and implementing, and testing and troubleshooting. Let’s examine the details of each:

1. Coordinating: Python programmers collaborate with development teams to comprehend application requirements.

2. Scripting: In this aspect, Python programmers script codes to build diverse web and computer applications for organizations.

3. Developing: Python programmers are responsible for improving performance and responsiveness by developing backend components, server-side logic, and web applications.

4. Designing and implementing: Python programmers design and implement applications with high availability and low latency, incorporating security features and data protection methods.

5. Testing and Troubleshooting: Python programmers test and troubleshoot software applications using Python framework tools.

Required Skills for Becoming a Python Programmer

Some technical abilities are required to succeed as a programmer.  You must have the below-mentioned technical skills if you are thinking of becoming an expert Python programmer:

1. Front-end Tools:

The most important work of Python programmers is to work on the back end. You need to gain some knowledge of front-end tools so that you can gain more. Having familiarity with basic front-end tools like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc. is necessary.

2. Version Familiarity:

A programmer should have a thorough understanding of the different codes required for various versions. To excel in your work, you must possess extensive knowledge of version software.

3. Automation Framework:

Having a proper grasp of the automation framework is crucial. It enables you to effectively debug errors and utilize different tools. This will also enhance your speed and precision.

4. Data Algorithms and Structures:

A Python programmer should learn about data algorithms and structures as this knowledge will aid in easily solving coding problems. Every company looks for programmers who are familiar with data algorithms and structures. Hence, it will give you an added advantage as a Python programmer.

How to Become a Python Programmer

There are five stages to becoming a Python programmer. The stages are mentioned below:

  • Stage 1: Master Skills 
  • Stage 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline   
  • Stage 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio/Resume 
  • Stage 4: Where and How to Find a Job? 
  • Stage 5: Ace the Interview 

Let’s elaborate on these stages and understand them in detail:

Stage 1: Master Skills  

Becoming a Python programmer is not as difficult as you may think, but to acquire the necessary skills in a structured manner, discipline is required. There is a systematic approach that is crucial in mastering all the skills needed to become a proficient Python programmer. 

First and foremost, Must master the fundamentals that are mentioned below:

  • Variables and data types
  • Data Structures and Algorithms 
  • Loops, Conditional and Control Statements 
  • Input/Output Operations and Exception Handling 
  • Modules and File Handling 
  • Knowledge of Databases

It’s important, to begin with the basics of Python and then master all these fundamental concepts, which serve as the foundation for any programming language. Considering learning all of these, can be done by participating in a boot camp program or online courses and enrolling in a Python course in Faridabad that provides tutorials and guides. 

Once done mastering all these concepts, then can expand knowledge and obtain certifications: 

a) Learn Supporting Frameworks and Technologies 

After the initial learning process, now have a command over Python. This is the time to broaden knowledge and explore different technologies.  Some of the most valuable skills and technologies that can be learned include AWS, front-end technologies, web frameworks, machine learning, and artificial intelligence as a Python programmer. Attending boot camps and online courses can help you in gaining expertise in these areas.

b) Obtain Certifications 

Once have the technical skills required to become a Python developer, it is important to obtain relevant certifications. These certifications will help in proving the knowledge and skills, making a more attractive candidate in the competitive job market. Certifications can be obtained from institutes that offer the Python Course in Faridabad, along with a certificate. The chances of being hired by potential employers increase after having certification.

c) Things that are to be learned in Python

A set of tools that developers use, so that they can quickly and efficiently create software products is known as the framework. Programmers can focus on implementing application business logic without again inventing many common functions, including data storage, security layers, application routing, and many more with frameworks. There are two types of frameworks those are full stack and microframeworks.

Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline   

Now it’s time to determine the duration it will take to become a Python programmer as you have identified your desired role and career path. The timeframe depends on several factors, such as your prior experience and level of commitment to completing the necessary steps.

A general guideline is approximately 3-5 years if starting from scratch. Furthermore, with more effort and determination, a more realistic timeframe can be of around 5-7 years. It is because sometimes the industry faces a shortage of skilled workers, resulting in higher demand.

Start Learning in a Format That Fits You 

There are various ways to learn Python. You can begin with a book or an online course. Alternatively, you may opt for video tutorials or utilize free resources. Ensure that it aligns with your learning style and personality whichever option you choose. When encountering challenges and allowing you to acknowledge your progress at that time this will help you stay motivated.

Step 3: Commence Building Your Portfolio 

To become a Python programmer, it is essential to have a portfolio showcasing your work. This portfolio should demonstrate your skills and highlight your dedication and enthusiasm for this career path. Distinguishing can be done of yourself from other applicants by doing this. The projects you have worked on so should be discussed so that others can know your skillset and determine if you are a good fit for their organization or not is an important part.

Step 4: Where and How to Find Employment? 

The necessary skills are now learned, now it is time to search for job opportunities. When looking for Python programmer positions, including online platforms like LinkedIn, and Glassdoor, job fairs, networking with friends and colleagues, professional associations, and referrals from current colleagues all these are avenues to explore with.

Top Companies Hiring Python Programmers 

As a Python programmer, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of applications. Some prominent companies that actively seek Python programmers include:

  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Apple, and many others

Step 5: Excel in the Interview 

For securing your dream job, the interview is the final step in it. In this, you put all your preparation into action. knowing what will be going to happen during the interview is important. Some basic things such as what questions they will ask, how much time you will have between questions so that you can finish an answer, and how you will respond should be acknowledged.

Additional Read: Python Programming Course Syllabus


The language has the potential of disrupting the prevailing norm of the number of programming languages known as Python. Consequently, the opportunity for a Python programmer is appearing promising and on an upward trajectory.

A proficient Python programmer should possess both the technical and interpersonal skills to thrive in this domain. In addition to that, effective communication skills, analytical skills, ingenuity, inquisitiveness to acquire new knowledge, and open-mindedness are also crucial. There are numerous prospects for Python programmers in the market and the future looks promising once you become a certified Python programmer as it unlocks new opportunities in the realm of technology.

The learning curve is advantageous: a flexible, dynamic language that opens up new avenues for learning and opportunities. Hence, the correct steps should be followed when anyone aspiring to become a Python programmer should. Python Institute in Faridabad can assist you in advancing your career as a Python developer. 

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        How to create a Panda Series.
  • Data inspection
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         Using Shape, describe, unique, value etc
  • Data Slicing
        Data Slicing loc and iloc
  • Dataframe operations
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        How to delete a column or row
    Operations on Rows and Columns
  • Arithmetic operations on rows and
  • Handle Duplicate value and Null value
  • Handle outlier data
  • Group by Operations
  • Data Reshaping
  • Merging, Joining ,concatenation and
  • Time series
  • Matplotlib for 3-D visualization
  • Bar, Pie, line, histogram
  • Countplot, boxplot, heatmap
  • Scikit models
  • Preprocessing using Scikit learn
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  • Regression using Scikit-learn
  • Scalar and vector
  • Introduction to linear algebra
  • Measure of central tendency mean
  • Measure of central tendency mode
  • Measure of central tendency mode
  • Variance
  • Standard deviation
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    Measure of shape kurtosis
    Covariance and correlation
  • Importance of probability
  • Discrete and continuous variable
  • Bayes Theorem
  • Central Limit theorem
  • Normal Distribution
  • Bernoulli distribution
  • Uniform Distribution
  • Hypothesis testing and mechanism
  • Confidence interval
  • Margin of Errors
  • Confidence levels
  • T test and P values using python
  • Z test and P values using python
  • Chi Squared Distribution using python
  • Types of variables
  • Types of Linear variables
  • Mathematics Behind it
  • Implementation of the model
  • Testing and Check
  • Performance of the model
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